Configuring Test Suite

Step 1: Install the test suite

Clone the test suite repository locally, and install its dependencies.

Node.js version 14 or above is required (which version am I using?).

git clone
cd openactive-test-suite
npm install

You can check that the test suite works in your local environment by running it against the hosted OpenActive Reference Implementation, simply by using the default configuration:

npm start -- core

Note that the above command only runs the "core" tests within the test suite, which should take around 60 seconds to complete.

Step 2: Create a local configuration file

Copy the file ./config/default.json to ./config/dev.json and configure it to point to the local development environment of your own booking system using the steps on the rest of this page.

Set the environment variable NODE_ENV to dev to instruct the test suite to use dev.json file to override each of the values in default.json:

export NODE_ENV=dev
npm start -- core

Adding other ./config/{NODE_ENV}.json files allows you to override the default configuration. For more information see this documentation.

Step 3: Configure flows

The Open Booking API includes two flows:

Assess whether or not your implementation will include either or both of these flows, and configure the test suite accordingly, as detailed in the reference documentation, for example:

./config/dev.json (extract)
"integrationTests": {  
  "bookingFlowsInScope": {
    "OpenBookingSimpleFlow": true,
    "OpenBookingApprovalFlow": true

Step 4: Configure features

Before you start your implementation, it is good to configure your config file to match your aspirations. You can then use different test suite commands to run only a subset of the tests during development, and then run npm start to run all tests.

The list of Open Booking API features supported by the test suite can be found in the Test Suite Feature Coverage page.

./config/dev.json (extract)
"integrationTests": {  
  "implementedFeatures": {
    "opportunity-feed": true,
    "dataset-site": true,
    "availability-check": true,

Note that not all Open Booking API features are currently supported by the test suite. For a list of supported features, please see the Test Suite Feature Coverage page.

Step 5: Configure Opportunity Types

Set up the Opportunity Types that your booking system will support, as detailed in the reference documentation. The test suite will only attempt to book opportunity types that are configured here, for example:

./config/dev.json (extract)
"integrationTests": {  
  "bookableOpportunityTypesInScope": {
    "ScheduledSession": true,
    "FacilityUseSlot": false,
    "IndividualFacilityUseSlot": false,
    "CourseInstance": false,
    "CourseInstanceSubEvent": false,
    "HeadlineEvent": false,
    "HeadlineEventSubEvent": false,
    "Event": false,
    "OnDemandEvent": false

Step 6: Configure Controlled vs Random testing mode

Random mode

./config/dev.json (extract)
"integrationTests": {  
  "useRandomOpportunities": true

Controlled mode

./config/dev.json (extract)
"integrationTests": {  
  "useRandomOpportunities": false

Step 7: Configure Sellers and Booking Authentication

The test suite will making all bookings under a specific primary Seller provided in the configuration, using the authentication request headers provided for that Seller.

If your booking system only supports a single seller, only the “primary” seller is required. If your booking system supports multiple sellers, the “secondary” seller must also be set to support the “multiple-sellers” tests.

See the reference documentation for more information.

./config/dev.json (extract)
"sellers": {
  "primary": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "https://localhost:5001/api/identifiers/sellers/1",
    "authentication": {
      "loginCredentials": null,
      "requestHeaders": {
        "X-OpenActive-Test-Client-Id": "test",
        "X-OpenActive-Test-Seller-Id": "https://localhost:5001/api/identifiers/sellers/1"
  "secondary": {
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "https://localhost:5001/api/identifiers/sellers/2",
    "authentication": {
      "loginCredentials": null,
      "requestHeaders": {
        "X-OpenActive-Test-Client-Id": "test",
        "X-OpenActive-Test-Seller-Id": "https://localhost:5001/api/identifiers/sellers/2"

Step 8: Configure Orders Feed Authentication

Configure the broker microservice with the authentication headers required for the Orders Feed.

Note such authentication must not be specific to any particular seller.

./config/dev.json (extract)
"broker": {
  "bookingPartners": {
    "primary": {
      "authentication": {
        "initialAccessToken": null,
        "ordersFeedRequestHeaders": {
          "X-OpenActive-Test-Client-Id": "test"
    "secondary": null

Step 9: Configure Dataset Site

The datasetSiteUrl must be set to the local dataset site URL of your booking system. If you have not yet implemented a dataset site, details for creating it can be found here.

In addition to the standard dataset site, the JSON-LD of the page must include the accessService property, as specified in the reference documentation. Note that the endpointURL within the accessService is most important, and must refer to your local Open Booking API Base URI.

./config/dev.json (extract)
"broker": {
  "datasetSiteUrl": ""

Last updated